APPENDIX TO CHAPTER IX APPLICATION OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS TO PLANE TOPOLOGY (Eilenberg's Method) 1. INDEX OF A POINT WITH RESPECT TO A LOOP (Ap.1.1) If t -> y(f) (a^t^b) is a path in an open subset A of C, there is in A a homotopy cpofy into a road yl5 such that

0 (3.17.11). Asy is uniformly continuous in I (3.16.5), there is a strictly increasing sequence (tk)o^k**m of points of I such that t0 = a,tm = b, and the oscillation (Section 3.14) of y in each of the intervals [tk, tk+1] (Q ^k^m — 1) is < p. Define y, in I as follows: for tk ^ t^ tk+1, y^t) = y(tk) + / ~ ** (y('fc+i) - ?(**)) *Jt + l ~~ lk (0 < /fc < m — 1); it is clear that y^ is a road, with y^a) = y(a\ y^b) = y(b), and y^l) is contained in A, since yi([tk9 tk+l]) is contained in the open ball of center y(tk) and radius p. Define then cp(t, £) = Zy^t) + (1 — fyy(t); it is readily verified that cp(t9 f) is in the open ball of center y(tk) and radius p for tk ^ t ^ tk+l and 0 ^ £, < 1 (0 < fc < m — 1); hence q> verifies the required conditions. In particular, if 7 is a loop, we see that cp is a loop homotopy in A of y into a circuit y^ Consider now any loop y in C, defined in I, and any point a $ y(I). As there are, by (Ap.1.1), circuits yl which are homotopic to y in C — {a}, we can define the index j(a; y) as equal to j(a; yt) for any circuit homotopic to y in C - {a}; by Cauchy's theorem (9.6.3), this is independent of the particular circuit yt homotopic to y in C — {a}. 251 eighborhood of H> — 0